Monday, May 9, 2011

Week 4: Bokeh

Manual Mode, ISO 400, 20 mm, f/3.8, 1/1600

Manual Mode, ISO 400, 50 mm, f/4, 1/160

{Next Weeks Theme: Up}


  1. What a hottie! He looks like he could be my brother. Wait a minute, he is my brother!

  2. Jenny, I love the colors and textures in your photo! Super cute cupcake! It's making me hungry right now. ;) I love the bright, summery feel of the background! ...Although it would be interesting to see a shot without the decking and tree/post in the background, which might showcase the cupcake even more. Yum! :)

    My pic is from a recent session I did with Kristin's brother, Andrian, for his senior portraits. Although it's not my favorite image from the session, it had the "best" bokeh. Although, honestly, I think the bokeh competes with the subject a little too much. Also, I'd probably change to f/5.6 and adjust my focus points better to sharpen the focus on his face. In this image, his right should appears to be the most in-focus. Not exactly ideal! :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Jenny, I love the colors and textures in your photo! Super cute cupcake! It's making me hungry right now. ;) I love the bright, summery feel of the background! ...Although it would be interesting to see a shot without the decking and tree/post in the background, which might showcase the cupcake even more. Yum! :)

    My pic is from a recent session I did with Kristin's brother, Andrian, for his senior portraits. Although it's not my favorite image from the session, it had the "best" bokeh. Although, honestly, I think the bokeh competes with the subject a little too much. Also, I'd probably change to f/5.6 and adjust my focus points better to sharpen the focus on his face. In this image, his right shoulder appears to be the most in-focus. Not exactly ideal! :)

  5. Jenny's photo: I agree with you. I could have loved having just the cupcake with a background that would make it pop with less distractions. I ended up using my stock lens to take this photo instead of the 50mm that i tried to get to work for days. I will have to practice with it more!

    Britt's photo: I think it is a great photo! I see what you mean about the focus on the face, but only after you mentioned it. I think the one thing i would change would be the hand cut off. I was always taught to never "amputate" a limb at a joint. Crop it in between the joints and then they won't look like they are missing an appendage. A slightly tighter crop would have fixed that right up! Love the exposure on it!
